Filed under: Life
Went to church with a mask on my face for my protection and for other people’s. I wasn’t the only one coughing, and being hypervigilant to what that can do to those of us there on chemo, I wondered why it’s such an unusual thing to do in our culture.
It’s the little kids that make that mask hard, though. You can smile with your eyes to the adults, and they get it–although I watched several people in a row clearly having to come to terms inwardly on the spot at the sight–but the toddlers stare. They don’t know if you’re trying to play hide-and-seek–but then where’s the seek part? Why the blue thing? And can they have one too? So I did pull mine up and down for just a minute or so with one 15-month-old. At first, her reaction was an ecstatic look of, Yes! You ARE playing by the rules! Then, when I left it on, she just wasn’t sure she approved. Do it again. Prove you know how to play this game.
I didn’t.
The thought suddenly occurs, I hope she didn’t go home and play with covering her face with random things to try to figure out what all that was about.
8 Comments so far
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Well better safe than sorry. I personally hate shaking hands at church. All those people coughing, sniffing etc. Ewww I don’t want them passing that along to me.
Comment by Lisa 01.21.08 @ 6:02 amIt’s very common in Japan to wear masks, especially in cold weather. My Mom-in-law also wears one as a matter of course. She is a cancer survivor, and is very aware of what a stray germ may do to those she encounters.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 01.21.08 @ 7:43 amThe mask just adds to the intrigue. . .”Who was that masked knitter?,” is something I’d like to hear on an old-timey radio broadcast!
Comment by Pam Sykes 01.21.08 @ 7:49 amYou wear a mask, and you use your knitting needle to slash the letter Z into everything? Your horse rears and you shout “Hi Ho, Sliver, away”? If we keep working on this, I’m sure we’ll find the right heroic persona for you.
Comment by Laura 01.21.08 @ 8:27 amI have friend whose son has had several heart surgeries. Was on a GI tube for feeding for almost 2 years. During flu season the drs have told her the worst 2 places to take him are walmart and church. You could draw a big smile on the face, see it the helps….or might make it worse, you never know.
Comment by Sonya 01.21.08 @ 9:58 amSweep your hair across your eyes and you will look even more mysterious!
Comment by Mari 01.21.08 @ 10:22 amMy spinal cord injury and subsequent nerve damage has made me that much more aware of sickness’ running around. When I get sick it not only knocks me down for the duration of the illness but it also makes it so much more difficult for me to get around afterwards for atleast a week. I can definitally understand why youo would be weary of contracting anything esp this time of year. I try to limit my exposure as much as possible this time of year also.
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 01.21.08 @ 11:41 amWhy not draw a smile on your mask? Or, the word “SMILE” and people will smile back at you, too.
Comment by Nancy 01.22.08 @ 12:05 pmLeave a comment
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