(The former post title didn’t quite do it, I decided to change it.)
I did stop by Urgent Care, and I told the receptionist there what I was up to. I was a little hesitant to just leave the things when I didn’t know the name of the nurse I’d knitted for and I wasn’t entirely sure I’d gotten the X-ray technician’s name right. I’m sure the other people that work there are perfectly wonderful, but I wanted them to go to the people I’d made them for. So I explained. About Dr. Rachel Remen’s writing that another doctor had told her that if they make a difference to the patients, “The patients never tell you,” so I had decided, well, I’m going to! Bring out the knitting needles!
The receptionist was totally thrilled for them. It was fun to watch her. She checked the records to see whom it had been three weeks ago, told me that that nurse was there on duty right then, and called for him in quite a bit of excitement.
Meantime, a very elderly and very tiny woman came up, alone, while I was standing there waiting, and started talking to her. She didn’t want to be a bother or be out of turn… And the receptionist asked her, “You’re having chest pains? I’ll get you a nurse right away.”
I thought, oh good, he’s probably already about on his way out. But I watched her face cloud over for just a moment at the question of chest pains, and I instantly understood where she was coming from: how wonderful it felt to be around happy people, seeing that big smile that had already been on the receptionist’s face. But how much she needed to be taken care of NOW, while not wanting to complain. I looked at her, knowing in my bones, You need a wheelchair!
I offered her my arm to help her to a seat. She gladly took it. (I thought emphatically at myself, bod, don’t stumble on me now. It behaved.) She was trying to go to the main waiting area, which was pretty full with no seats open nearby; I steered her gently to the little alcove next to it that had a chair right there. As I helped her settle down into it, I smiled and told her, “They’ll take good care of you here. I’ve been a cardiac patient here. They do a good job here.”
She smiled warmly and thanked me gratefully. She reminded me so much of my grandmother when she was in her 90’s.
And I was glad to know which nurse was on duty this afternoon.
I did get a chance to give him his scarf in person. He was surprised and thrilled and finally asked me, “Now, what was your name again?…” Three weeks ago, he did such a good job of being there for me. It felt wonderful to be able to be there for him, too.
And the unexpected gift, for me, of being able to bring a moment of comfort to that elderly woman so that she wouldn’t be alone either. We’re all in this life thing together.
4 Comments so far
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I am so glad “your” Nurse was there for you to be able to gift his acarf in person 🙂 I hope the other recipients were just as happy to receive your token of thanks and well wishes! That receptionist is to be commended for her behavior and willingness to help npt only you but also to be prompt in taking care of the lady w/ chest pains. That doesnt happen like that very often as the receptionist are most often to busy to listen to what is bein said.
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 01.29.08 @ 8:20 amThank you for helping “our grandmother.” I say that because I try to think of all those elderly fragile folks that way. If we all reached out to the elderly–just to check-to be sure they were ok, we’d have a lot more caring in our society. It must have been such a great pleasure to drop off the knitted gifts and to give one in person, too!
Comment by Joanne 01.29.08 @ 9:14 amThanks for the story. I breathed it in deep, like good, fresh air.
Comment by Sarah-Hope 01.30.08 @ 11:37 amLeave a comment
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