Filed under: Knit
Talking to my brother Morgan… When Dad mentioned to him that the baby of the family that used to live across the street from us, when we kids were growing up, was THE Steve Colbert, Morgan went out and got a DVD of some of his shows, curious.
And when Steve mentioned “my sister Margo” on that DVD, Morgan exclaimed out loud, “*I* know *Margo*!” He called me a few days ago, and we wondered whether, with our 40-year-old memories, Steve looked more like Jay or Paul did as kids. Not Peter; Peter had sandy hair in my mental image and a rounder face.
So. What brings all this up. I got some Ben and Jerry’s “Steve Colbert’s Americone Dream” ice cream, and looking at the list of ingredients was one to catch the eye of any knitter: bamboo fiber. Bamboo fiber? In ice cream!? Do I eat it with chopsticks? Can I sharpen their ends and use them to knit it, too? Was it in the waffle cone part? Should I knit a waffle stitch?
Colbert has a fear of bears. (Wave a California flag and ward him off?) So, what do we read into this: do we finish what’s on our plates for the poor starving pandas in China? Is he trying to get the bears to go after our ice cream and leave him alone? Is it a VastRight-Wing Conspiracy?
Ah, my. Life is so complicated. Pass the ice cream.
8 Comments so far
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Hmmm, I have seen a lot of stuff listed in the ingredients for ice cream. Much of it is chemical based not food at all. At least bamboo is meant to be eaten by living organisms. Not sure about the knitting of your ice cream though. Eat some more and ponder.
Comment by Vicki 01.18.08 @ 2:01 pmWow.. That’s a new way to add fiber. Still, I love bamboo shoots. And there is a fiber for knitting made from casein, right? (Milk protein) So you can knit every bit of that ice cream with proper processing, maybe. I’d still rather eat some :-}
Comment by Diana Troldahl 01.18.08 @ 3:27 pmEating the Ice Cream would be much better than Knitting it, to messy 🙂 But you are definitally gonna get more than the RDA of fiber when you eat that and Knit, LOL.
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 01.18.08 @ 4:12 pmFun!
I LOVE Americone Dreams, though I seldom let myself have it.
Comment by Sarah-Hope 01.20.08 @ 4:03 pmI got an email from my brother, saying:
I was looking back on an old blog entry of yours, the one about Steve Colbert and the fear of bears, dated Jan 18. And you mention the “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy”, and I thought “no, you missed it. It’s the Vast Right-Wing Conespiracy!”
Comment by AlisonH 02.06.08 @ 3:43 pmLeave a comment
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