Filed under: Life
Another toddler story while I’m at it.
A half dozen or so years ago, circumstances were such that my teenage daughter was pushing me around in a manual wheelchair at Costco. At one point, something caught her eye and she gave me a bit of a push forward and parked me mid-aisle to go look at it.
At the same time, a dad pushing a cart with his little boy in it did the same thing and stepped over to the opposite side of the aisle. And so I found myself on a Saturday afternoon suddenly looking up at this toddler who might have been barely two, with his seatbelt on, a big boy now who didn’t need an infant seat anymore.
I smiled and waved hi.
There was this look of absolute bewilderment on the kid’s face, and you could totally read his mind as he stared:
There’s a grownup! In a stroller! Being pushed by…a KID!
Blew his mind. It took him a moment to decide whether it was okay to wave back: wave, oh, right, I remember waving, um, okay. And so he gave me this very funny half-wave with this expression of, I GUESS I should.
And then there was the time I used Costco’s motorized chair, and at the far end of the store, it suddenly stopped dead. The battery indicator read fully charged, but hey, try to tell it that. My hubby went to go grab the manager, and when the guy came over, he took in the scene and told us, “The problem is it’s thrown the dead man switch. You’re too lightweight. It doesn’t think anyone’s there. Put your purse in your lap, maybe a ten pound bag of rice or something so it knows there’s someone actually sitting there.”
That’s me. Always messing with their minds.
13 Comments so far
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hahahha I can imagine the kid’s thoughts.
“A 10 lb. bag of rice or something” hahahah I’m sure that made your shopping trip fun 😉
Alison: in case you don’t my reply, I want to thank you for your comment on my blog. I’d have cried too, if I were your surgeon. You both are very lucky to have had each other.
Comment by Sid Schwab 01.21.08 @ 2:16 pmToo funny! Kepp messing with their minds.
Comment by Vicki 01.21.08 @ 2:18 pmoops, sorry about the typo. Keep messing with their minds.
Comment by Vicki 01.21.08 @ 2:19 pmThat’s so cute! I could see my Sydney questioning me on that one. Reminds me of when I go to one of those blood pressure machines in the food store. They tell me I’m dead, because my blood pressure is so low!!
Comment by Elizabeth 01.21.08 @ 3:07 pmYeah I’d pretty much be a dead woman in those cars that don’t turn on the air bag if you don’t weight a certain amount.
I LOVE seeing little kids’ mind cogs whirl and twirl.
Comment by Birdy 01.21.08 @ 5:58 pmBoy do I wish I was small enough to make a motorized chair stop!! I only Use a w/c or my walker when we are gonna be walking for a long distance, or if we are in the store I hang on to the cart for stability. I can just picture the look on the little guys face, how cute!!!
Have a very nice day:-)
I’ve given you an award on my blog! You can mess with my mind any day!
Comment by Joanne 01.22.08 @ 12:12 pmI usually only use a chair for long days out and about, like Stitches conventions or the Monterey Bay Aquarium or the like, but from time to time I need one a bit more. Put a knitted finger puppet over the joystick, and away we go!
Comment by AlisonH 01.22.08 @ 12:13 pmLeave a comment
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