Filed under: Knit
I wrote in my book about Nina’s Seder; the other family she invited was Phyllis and Lee’s that day, nearly 21 years ago. Nina and Phyl and I have all been good friends ever since.
Phyl and Lee came by Monday night for a visit with a bunch of flowers for me. They weren’t going to let me be sick and be stuck by myself. They also weren’t going to let me get too tired; they left after about an hour, with me pleading for them to stay longer, and them explaining that they didn’t want to overtax me, Lee grinning, “Always leave them wanting more.”
Then Nina appeared on our doorstep last night with, bless her, a bunch of flowers and her knitting in hand (I would show you pictures of both bouquets, but my camera batteries both died snapping shawl photos–I’ll try later), pulled up a chair with me and sat and knitted and kept me company for the evening. After a week of playing solitaire, other than those two visits, I tell you, they weren’t afraid of my germs and they were more concerned about me not getting too lonely–I can’t tell you how much I love those guys.
My Dr. R assumed Phyl was my sister when she and Lee came to visit me in the hospital. She almost is.
I spent the evening chatting, knitting and frogging. I had a project I’d thought about but not started, because I couldn’t decide how I wanted to do it, so with Nina there, I simply tried out one idea after another, over and over. Didn’t get a thing accomplished; I was back to the cast-on when she left, but–I did, though. Now I know what doesn’t work.
And here is why I needed a new project.
11 Comments so far
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Oooooohhh That looks so beautiful and fluffy! I am glad you are feeling better.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 01.16.08 @ 1:08 pmCompany–the right kind of company, is just a wonderful thing when one is under the weather. It doesn’t really matter what you knit/do/say as long as you have that interaction every now and again. I absolutely understand that. Oh, and the shawl? It’s great looking on you..and you’re looking healthy again, too, huh?!
Comment by Joanne 01.16.08 @ 1:46 pmThe shawl is lovely and I too am glad you are feeling better. Friends coming to visit always seems to make one better 🙂
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 01.16.08 @ 2:00 pmWhat wonderful friends! the shawl looks great by the way.
Comment by Vicki 01.16.08 @ 2:42 pmThis is beautiful, Alison! What a gorgeous color, too. Loved seeing it!
Comment by Bonnie 01.17.08 @ 7:30 amAwww…that’s so sweet! And the shawl is beautiful–the color is just to die for. 🙂
How are you feeling now?
Comment by KT 01.17.08 @ 7:51 amGlad some friends were able to come and keep you company… Sorry you’re still not top notch health.
Comment by Amanda 01.17.08 @ 7:04 pmI must be missing something but what does it mean when you say you “kinneared” it? I am unfamiliar with that term. Thanks.
Comment by sallyA 01.18.08 @ 4:58 pmIt’s a great word, and it started with Stephanie Pearl-McPhee: she was in the airport to go on a booksigning tour, and saw Greg Kinnear in the next security line over. She didn’t want to be a dweeby OOh! Oooh! Greg!! Look at ME!!! twit, but she wanted a picture to prove to herself and her kids she’d seen him, (he’d just finished a shoot in Toronto, her hometown) so she held her camera down by her side pointed upwards in his direction and hoped she’d get a good shot without directly intruding in his space. She wrote on her Yarnharlot blog that she’d “kinneared” him.
That’s one of those perfect words that the language just so much needs, and it got picked up by the mainstream press. I’m using it here, and I think it works well, for anytime you take a picture where you’re not looking through the viewfinder to get the shot. I was surprised to find I could see well from the side of the viewfinder in this particular instance without looking directly in. It’s a tad fuzzy, but I could basically tell what I was going to get.
Thank you for asking and giving me a chance thereby to explain–let’s get that word out there more widely!
Comment by AlisonH 01.18.08 @ 6:13 pmLeave a comment
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