Thursday January 03rd 2008, 12:19 pm
Filed under: Knit
Filed under: Knit
Knitlist subscribers, forgive me–it’s too good a pun not to put here too.
Someone on Knitlist had mentioned a day at the doctor’s that had gone on and on and on, with technical problems with the x-ray machinery and the like.
To which my answer was, Thank goodness for knitting. Maybe that x-ray technician was trying to stall you long enough for you to become fond enough of her to knit her some socks. You know, Sockholm Syndrome and all that.
6 Comments so far
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That is so funny. How wonderful! Yep a pair of socks would be a good gift in that situation.
Comment by Vicki 01.03.08 @ 3:12 pmLeave a comment
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