Filed under: Life
Yesterday was, abruptly and unexpectedly, a blender-hair day. I got to see this guy and this guy.
I guess I overdid it going to Karen’s, and I apologize to everyone there whom I inadvertently exposed. I woke up yesterday morning too sick to sit up, much less stand; it was everything I could do not to pass out. But eventually I had to try, because I wasn’t staying there. Going from the bedroom to the car, I grabbed my knitting…and then threw up, repeatedly.
“You’re NOT going to be knitting!” said my husband, firmly.
Yeah, I know. But it was my insurance policy: if I didn’t take it, I’d end up being admitted to the hospital. If I did take it, they would send me home from Urgent Care.
Five hours and one IV later, a little liquid, a little Zofran, they did send me home, but none of us was quite sure that was the right idea. I did, however, get taken care of by that same male nurse, who didn’t at first recognize me from my bout of pneumonia awhile back–I’d had a mask on the whole time both times–but who again looked so gently in my eyes that I knew I would heal. Which, yesterday, was not feeling like a sure thing. The x-ray tech was also as kind and as gentle a soul as you could ask for. It helped, I think possibly even more than the IV did.
Today’s a little better. I’ve managed to stay upright this long so far.
19 Comments so far
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Oh goodness, Alison – please get well soon. I had viral pneumonia two days after Christmas – something is going around…but, at least you got to shop before you got sick?…you have more yarn?
Best wishes to you – you’re in my thoughts and prayers,
Oh, poor Dear. it’s always so complicated juggling existing meds with a new illness. Glad you got the red carpet treatment.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 01.10.08 @ 3:46 pmOkay, look. Get better, you. Getting sick is totally unacceptable behavior and we shall have none of it.
Comment by Kate 01.10.08 @ 3:52 pmOh no! Sorry to hear you were feeling so poorly – but glad to hear you’re doing better.
Comment by no-blog-rachel 01.10.08 @ 4:02 pm(((Oh, Alison!)))
I was horizontal for 36 hours a few weekends back, with puking and the whole show. Not fun. Sounds like the angels at the urgent care fixed you right up. 🙂
If I lived closer, I’d send over some chicken noodle soup. That’s what finally helped me turn the corner.
Feel better soon!!
I am glad you are feeling better. You did well taking the knitting for insurance. Look after yourself, I am sending good thoughts.
Comment by Vicki 01.10.08 @ 5:23 pmI’m glad you’re feeling a little better today. I hope you’re back to normal soon. Hugs!
Comment by Lisa 01.10.08 @ 5:43 pmKnitting works magic, I tell ya. Glad you’re eeling a bit better.
Comment by Lene 01.10.08 @ 5:49 pmI am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling bad. Stay off of your feet and take it easy. It was a blessing for you that the two wonderful guys were at work. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Comment by Sonya 01.10.08 @ 9:15 pm*hug* Please get better! Scares like that aren’t good for anyone’s peace of mind. I Love you mom!
Comment by Michelle Hyde 01.11.08 @ 12:44 amSome of us just get sick occasionally, but you turn it into an olympic sport. When it comes to getting really spectacularly sick, you leave us all in the dust. Fortunately, you also are an olympic level competitor when it comes to miraculous recoveries. But please, take it easy for a while. The rest of us get really nervous watching such “extreme sports.” Just stay quiet and healthy for a little while.
Comment by Laura 01.11.08 @ 9:12 amSending prayers your way, please feel better soon. (hugs)
Comment by Debbi 01.11.08 @ 10:57 am{{{{{Alison}}}}}}
And bless that nurse and all those out there like him.
Get well soon Allison and best wishes for a warp speed recovery!
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 01.11.08 @ 1:40 pmThanks, you guys. The nurse and the x-ray technician were wonderful. They made up for the (kvetch alert) doctor, who rolled her eyes when my husband told her I was hearing impaired–that did not make a good first impression–who jumped back every time I coughed into my mask and stayed far away at the foot of the bed where she couldn’t hear me, who wanted me to speak up, then, when I was trying hard just to keep breathing, who ignored our telling her I was going to lose it both directions if I sat up and told me to sit up, who wanted to argue over one of my meds–hey, lady, *I* didn’t prescribe it, go call my cardiologist if you don’t like it.
She didn’t know me from Adam. She didn’t know I’m not a complainer. I don’t think she realized just how sick I was. She did say she expected she’d probably see me in there the next day, and I thought, not if your protocol dictates that I’ll have the same doctor again.
Okay, enough of that. Sorry for dumping. It’s just–she had too much fear in her, and she made me fearful of getting her again.
(Update 1/16: She called me yesterday and was clearly gratified to hear my much-better-sounding voice when I answered. I was surprised that she was wanting to check up on me and see how I was doing now. It was a lovely conversation, and I came away feeling much better about the whole encounter and very grateful she’d called.)
Comment by AlisonH 01.11.08 @ 2:12 pmDoesn’t she really make you appreciate the good ones? *hugs* Hope you keep feeling better! <3
Comment by Amy 01.11.08 @ 7:20 pmOy. Feel better! I hope you are at home, and resting up…I just got back from my family visiting adventure, and was upset to see you weren’t feeling great. I’m sending a big hug your way…and a cup of weak tea, some toast, and lots of chicken soup.
Comment by Joanne 01.12.08 @ 8:05 amLeave a comment
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