Filed under: Knit
A stray thought (where did I put those Holz and Stein size 8s!)
Ya know? I used to have a mind like a steel trap. But I think now it’s a Havahart, and sometimes the doors get left open. ‘Sokay, just means rummaging around through the stash looking for whichever UFO it’s in, which you know means inspiration for the next cool project is going to strike as I go through that stuff.
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I always say I have a mind like a steel trap, full of holes and rusted shut! At least that’s what it seems like now and I used to be a really bright girl. Ain’t old age fun?
Ann in Dallas, Texas
While you’re without photos? I’ve tagged you for a meme, which you may or may not want to do…no pressure. It’s an interesting series of questions, I thought. Loved the holey sweater. Aren’t they all holy?!
Comment by Joanne 12.07.07 @ 8:56 amWe all have our methods for inspiration. :))
At least we still have our minds.
Note to self: New way to justify petting stash – look for needles in UFO’s. I like it. T
Comment by Tammy M 12.07.07 @ 11:26 amI used to have a mind like a steel trap, too. Now I have one like a steel sieve.
Comment by Lene 12.07.07 @ 5:46 pmLeave a comment
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