Friday December 07th 2007, 12:57 pm
Filed under: Knit
Filed under: Knit
Note to self: if you want to keep the tips blocked into points, do not pick it up before it’s bone dry.  Let’s go dry it again, now, shall we?
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Ha Ha! We have all done that one, the impatience to see it finished. I had one of those notes to self the other night. “Note to self, extremely sleep deprived knitters should not attempt to knit lace without a lifeline only a few rows down.”
Comment by Vicki 12.07.07 @ 3:56 pmActually, sleep deprived knitters should probably get some sleep and try again in the morning . . . but who whould do that?
Comment by Laura 12.07.07 @ 6:01 pmLeave a comment
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