Filed under: Life
Let’s see how fast I can type before I give the computer over for the day to the kid with the take-home final.
I was going to take a photo for the blog of the suitcases lined up, and perhaps another as more get added in as my children arrive. Um, one problem with that idea: the suitcase didn’t come off the plane last night. Oops.
Before my younger daughter left for the airport yesterday, I described the captain I’d had and said, “If you get a chance, tell my pilot your mom said thank you,” and I described him. And thought afterwards, he will always be “my pilot” to me, whoever and wherever he is.
She got to the airport late, barely made the plane, the cockpit door was shut, and, as is more the norm these days, it stayed shut at the end. Ah, well; so. What was that about, Mom?
She had just flown on Jetblue. Flight 291. And tonight, so will my older son after he finishes his finals at BYU. So she was late and her suitcase didn’t get loaded on? It’ll probably come with his flight, since they only have one a day; I might get a crack at that photo after all.
But we got to come home last night from the airport with our child, and I have a heightened sense of appreciation for that small, everyday fact.
P.S. Update: Kristine had her baby! to welcome Miss Lucy into the world–she’s beautiful!
6 Comments so far
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Having your child home safe is so much more important than that darn suitcase. It will be here today and they will deliver it!
Comment by Nancy Weber 12.20.07 @ 11:14 amGoog Luck in getting your computer back for the duration of the Christmas Break!
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 12.20.07 @ 11:42 amAw, it would have been so cool if she could have said hello to your pilot!
Kristine’s baby is beautiful. I just gave my congrats.
Comment by Amanda 12.20.07 @ 5:59 pmIs the link fixed? I had put my email for both email and url in the comments field (which auto-fills in on your blog)… Thanks for the heads up!
Comment by Amanda 12.20.07 @ 6:31 pmMy son flew home last Thursday, and one of his bags was missing also. We went to PA on our trip, where it was supposed to be delivered. It arrived on Monday, and we came home on Sunday. Sigh. Fortunately, my brother was coming this direction so he delivered the bag halfway. It’s nice having the kids home, though, isn’t it?
Comment by Ruth 12.22.07 @ 2:38 pmLeave a comment
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