Filed under: Knit
I have as many UFOs as the next knitter, and it can be very useful at times. The Barnswallows scarf that stalled because the needles were too large and my hands were aching? It’s probably been sitting in that bag for four months now; it’s 27″ long, and I can easily finish it up this afternoon. Yay! Because I know exactly who it’s for now, and the shortcut is a help this busy week. It’s often like that; I stumble across my UFOs when I need them for the person they were really meant for all along, and knowing now why I’m making them helps them fly to the finish line. Having a small stash of UFOs can be a very useful timesaver. (Why yes, I do own a lot of needles, funny you should mention it.)
But I like to think I never have TOADs. I figure if it’s that bad, I know it, and I rip the thing out and put it out of its misery. I never rip the needles out and just leave it abandoned like this.
So when I found this, it rather surprised me. Came with its own mascot, too.
Picture by permission and courtesy of Doc at .
8 Comments so far
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TOAD – that’s a new one to me. Thanks for helping me identify a few of those mystery things I have.
Comment by Helene 11.19.07 @ 12:15 pmIt’s a term that originated years ago on the Knitlist, along with frogging and tinking: taking it off the needles and going rip-it, rip-it, or undoing one stitch at a time, tink being knit spelled backwards and for the little sound it makes as you undo each one.
Comment by AlisonH 11.19.07 @ 12:27 pmTOAD – keeping with the theme! Guess
that pretty blue yarn knew what it
wanted to be – and your WIP wasn’t
it! Just like kids – can’t force
them to be what they’re not.
Toads should never be left lying around. Things always have a way of appearing when you need them.
Comment by Vicki 11.19.07 @ 1:50 pmYou are so very educational. I don’t speak “knitters’ ” language, I guess. How do you keep track of all the projects?
Comment by Bev 11.19.07 @ 2:23 pmThat is a great idea for your UFO’s! I never thought of having them around as future gifts…
Comment by Amanda 11.19.07 @ 3:18 pmLove that scarf pattern. Ohmigosh, that was a real toad! Had to enlarge the picture to really see it.
Comment by Carol in WI 11.19.07 @ 3:38 pmLeave a comment
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