Filed under: Knit
As I said earlier, I had to frog a thousand stitches or so. It’s always a relief to get the knitting past that ripping point and go on, and I did and I got well beyond it. When I got to the end of the pattern repeat, I spread out the scrunched-up stitches on the needles, looked at it, and went, whoa, waaaait a minute here…
…I’d restarted it on the wrong row. No, I couldn’t simply make that the new pattern and repeat that and have it look good. 4235 stitches. Rip.
It has been on timeout for a couple of days now. I punished it by knitting something else: I needed immediate gratification, and I needed it right now, so a couple of lace scarves for a couple of people, and a couple of go-rounds with the dyepot for those sweaters: some creative non-knitting helps out too when your project declares, like an elementary school child during recess, that it is Not Your Friend today.
I woke up this morning thinking how much I liked how the silk and cashmere played together in that red, and how much Johnna was going to enjoy it. I’ve almost psyched myself back into it. Just let me finish this post. (A little online peer pressure can be a very helpful thing.) We’ll see tomorrow if I succeeded.
9 Comments so far
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Finished yet???????????
🙂 You said you needed some peer pressure!
Comment by Arlene 09.20.07 @ 11:57 amJust like poor Pharaoh, you have a veritable plague of frogs.
Comment by Laura 09.20.07 @ 1:43 pmArgh. We’ve all done that, haven’t we? Prayers for your sanity. Yes, I think the punishment of the knitting was QUITE in order.
Comment by Renee 09.20.07 @ 6:30 pmHere’s your pressure as requested. As a side note, we have a silly family joke. One night, when we were all tired and punchy, and playing Pictionary (not sure that matters to the story), we started talking about a news story about a whale who had been too close to shore for a while. They were trying to get him back out to sea, and my dad wondered what they would use. My answer – “Pier pressure.” Needless to say it was much funnier when we were all tired.
Comment by Niki 09.21.07 @ 6:29 amAlison, you are killing me with all this frogging.
or maybe you are loving your yarn so much you can’t bear to finish with it…hmm…
Yes, the online peer pressure has certainly helped me a time or two, too!
Comment by Amanda 09.23.07 @ 6:20 pmthis is so interesting. I totally believe life is a rip-and-redo. All the computer stuff I know is because I just go out there and try things, and do some kind of delete-and-restore when it doesn’t work out.
The first five times.
a bummer this karma from me is affecting the shawl. I am so amazed you are making a shawl for me once, I don’t want you to have to do it over thrice.
Comment by Johnna 10.01.07 @ 10:15 pmLeave a comment
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