Monday September 24th 2007, 5:53 pm
Filed under: Life
Filed under: Life
Couldn’t reach that big one up there, so I recruited the kid. He had to jump, too, but he can jump higher than I can, so that big apple we were looking at from down below was ours.
Eh, what’s a little squirrel spit among friends. (I am SO putting paper lunch bags over the apples, just as soon as I can round up enough of’em.)
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I picked an apple off our neighbor’s tree (branches over the fence) tonight for dessert. Thanks for the reminder that they’re out there! A couple that were less than desirable (think bugs) went to the dog so she could chase them (they’re balls!), then eat them.
Comment by Kathy in San Jose 09.24.07 @ 9:14 pmLeave a comment
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