Filed under: Knit
When Nancy showed me these two colors she was thinking of putting together, I wasn’t quite entirely sure. Jaggerspun Zephyr in this slightly mustardy orange and this brighter, deeper-orange Gentle supersoft superthin merino laceweight from The Yarn Place. But knitted up! We blocked it at my house yesterday, and she picked it and me up to take to Purlescence for knitting night tonight. I wish I’d gotten a shot of it on her, because the Zephyr just glowed golden within the orange, especially with its silk content and in the rays of the late sun. It was as if she were wearing those rays themselves. It was absolutely stunning on her.
Colors are like people: they can bring out the best in each other, sometimes in surprising ways.
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Ooooh those colors ARE gorgeous together. Hmmm…this makes me want to take a second look at yarns I never thought I would knit due to their questionable color. I am thinking they might be used after all.
Comment by Lisa 08.04.07 @ 9:21 amOh Alison, you must get a photo of the orange shawl you make it sound so etheric & lovely. I can’t wait to see it, orange is my favorite color.
I bought your book and am so thrilled. The patterns are lovely and I am having a difficult time deciding which one to knit first:>)
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