Filed under: Knit
I was once gifted with some beautiful but impossibly-fine handpainted silk, and half a pound of it; as is, it would take me years to knit up at the gauge it would need. But put it with another yarn, and it would sparkle and glow and really set it off while working up quickly.
So that’s what I did with it, a large shawl, and this is what I just finished with some of the leftover: an easy, mindless carry-around project, one that says to the nonknitters, lookee what I can do with the time you waste sitting in that waiting room, expecting to be entertained by old magazines that might or might not be there. Pretty, and soft, and gonna make someone’s day… Neener neener.
Not that I would ever think that.
5 Comments so far
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I just found your website and I love it! Thank you for putting not only your beautiful work but also your attitude of gratitude into cyberspace! I am a firm believer that the world needs more of both!! We have more than enough of the negative and competative! Your “neener, neener” was a refreshing reminder of humanness! Again thank you
Comment by Tammy M 08.31.07 @ 7:02 amI love your book and your shawls. Do you ever knit with smaller needles? I have working on large needles because it’s hard on my hands. But give me a 4 or 5, and I’m a happy camper.
How do you think your shawls would work out on little needles?
Comment by ruth 08.31.07 @ 8:07 amWOW…to say the least! It’s absolutely Beautiful Alison….someone will be Very Happy indeed…and a definite reason to say neener neener!
Comment by Sheila E 08.31.07 @ 9:04 amLeave a comment
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