Filed under: Knit
If a tree falls on a house, and nobody hears it, is the roof still damaged? (Actually, I don’t think so. I hope not.)
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I love your words Alison!! I love how you put phrases together!!
AND….I do hope that your home is alright!
Well, I don’t climb on the roof anymore, not with my balance. (I actually fell off it once while cleaning up fallen leaves–who was the first silly Californian who thought flat roofs were a good idea?) So I can’t go look. A chunk of the neighbor’s pine fell on our Chinese Elm, which very much cushioned the fall. I think everything’s pretty much okay, but we’ll know after the tree service comes.
Comment by AlisonH 08.06.07 @ 10:12 amYou won’t believe this but before I read the post I thought that was a window treatment done with fuzzy green yarns. Not a bad idea…I think I’ll use that for my next window updates in the spring or maybe get hopping on winter like fuzzy yarns.
I hope all went well.
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