Filed under: Knit
My daughter’s friend from college came out to visit us, spend a few days sightseeing, and then they’re driving back to school together.  We were all sitting around talking last night, when I picked up my shawl project and started knitting away, eyes barely glancing at my project. After awhile, she said, “You know, I should be doing something too.” She knew how to crochet; and now, with some baby alpaca to help keep up the enthusiasm, she knows how to knit!
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How can you barely glance at a knitting project when it’s lace? I can do that (even read and knit at the same time) if it’s just stockinette or garter, but not lace. I’m impressed!
She looks happy with her knitting so far.
Comment by Joyce in NH 08.09.07 @ 8:19 pmWell, it was the purl side and straight across when I started. But it’s an easy, mindless pattern. It really is! Like anything else, the more you do, the better you get at it.
Comment by AlisonH 08.09.07 @ 9:37 pmAlison is always happy to pass on her love of knitting. Go girl!
Comment by Nancy Weber 08.11.07 @ 9:27 amLeave a comment
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