The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a new exhibit, and I’d like someone to explain to me why the young African River Otter, after zooming past an obstacle in the water, stopped and head-butted the sandy floor. I think it was one of the male twins they said had been born in the past year. Meantime, a larger one on land above him stood on its hind legs, eyed the crowd with his white whiskers making him look like an aging champion, and pumped his paws high in the air, Rocky Balboa style, twice. We were totally charmed.
And watching them cavort, it hit me: water ferrets. My brother once mentioned to me that he hadn’t been emailing much lately because his new pet ferret was entranced at his typing, and would scramble onto his shoulder every time and take a flying leap onto the keyboard.
I could just see these doing that, just pleading with you, type me a river. Water ferrets.
4 Comments so far
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Ferrets and otters can be totally entertaining. I don’t like ferrets as pets, personally, but I can see how someone would like them.
Comment by Carol 08.11.07 @ 10:11 amI love watching the otters use their hands. So clever. A long time ago a friend had a ferret and it really creeped me out.
Comment by Sonya 08.11.07 @ 8:11 pmAwwww!! You are very lucky to live close enough to get to the Monterey Aquarium easily….I am envious!
I love otters, they are very busy and seemingly happy creatures…flying through the water!
Our daughter Rebecca is a ferret person too. She takes in abandoned ferrets and they grow and thrive with her!
I cannot tell you how much I envy you living so close to Monterey and the aquarium. I was only there once and just for a few hours, but fell madly in love…
Comment by Lene 08.18.07 @ 7:06 pmLeave a comment
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