A detail edited out of Wrapped in Comfort for the sake of space: Dave’s astonishment at being offered a full berry box’s worth of strawberries at dessert. I had bought a case at a farmstand, my rebellion against New Hampshire’s refusal to give up the cold weather at Easter. He had never before considered a pint of strawberries and a person to be a one-on-one possibility.
I thought of that just now as I offered my son a large bowl, like this one, but full of sliced strawberries ready to eat, and his eyes got big as he asked, “All for me?” You betcha. Happy Fourth.
7 Comments so far
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Hi Alison
My husband and I will buy a 4 quart basket and eat strawberries ’til we are ready to burst!
What a great photo! yum
Happy belated 4rth!
Hooray for the strawberries! I’d never eat anything else if slightly tart strawberries could sustain me…(and that picture is fabulous!)
Comment by Amy 07.05.07 @ 6:23 amGreat pic!
I ordered my copy of your book last night. Where should I send my SASE for my plate? I would love your autograph for it!
Comment by Amanda 07.05.07 @ 7:16 amPurlescence, my LYS, purlescenceyarns.com. They’re closed this week for vacation, but they’ll be back Monday. I come in once a week for their knitting group, and while I’m there sign any books that have been ordered, which they’re happy to mail, and sign bookplates for the people who send them an SASE for one. Till I run out of them, anyway; I have a few beautiful ones and a number of plainer ones from Martingale.
Comment by AlisonH 07.05.07 @ 10:17 amMmmm…strawberries! The best dessert. Whaddya mean only 1 pint a person????
Comment by Carol 07.05.07 @ 1:47 pmYour book got here. Go look. 🙂
Smile; the day is getting better.
Comment by kristine 07.06.07 @ 9:48 amLeave a comment
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