Filed under: Knit
That last post was a tad breathless, but you can imagine I was pretty excited; I’d been going to take that paper to the recycling bin for the evening, and just happened to open it up to where I saw that article. Very cool.
Nontoxic mosquito-repellent bracelets will make me a happy camper. Yarn, however, is to make the whole world happier if I had my way. I am saving the first email I got after my book was released from someone telling me about the shawl they felt inspired to go start on for someone they loved. That’s it exactly. Go knitters!
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Mom wants Michelle’s shawl. She didn’t say so exactly, but she flipped back to that page three or four times, and said how pretty it was…
So I opened up the Handmaiden page and showed her all the colors of SeaSilk…she’s smitten with “Paris.” Now I just need to find somewhere with it in stock…where did you get yours again?
Comment by kristine 07.08.07 @ 7:29 pmoooh 😀 the sea silk is completely wonderful! About those bracelets though… please please please be careful… I don’t want to burst your bubble, but like everything else the bracelets work differently in different areas based on the genetics of the mosquitoes around where you are, and how irresistible you are to the mosquito. We got some of these into the pharmacy a few years ago when I was just interning, and quite a few people found that they didn’t work for them… Maybe get someone to test them out before you use them? I would have minded my own business, but you seem like such an awesome person, and I don’t want you to suffer more than you already are…
Comment by pharmgirl147 07.08.07 @ 7:32 pmThank you for the warning, pharmgirl147! Hmm. I will probably throw bars of Irish Spring or some such in my pockets as well, since that’s also supposed to repel insects (it repels me, too, but never mind.) And I will be as thoroughly covered up as possible. I used to racewalk about 3-4 miles every morning before my kids woke up, years ago… I loved waving hi at the neighbors. One of them, one time, yelled down his driveway, as he got ready to leave for work, “That baby’ll come any time now!” I hollered back, “She’s four days old!”
Kristine, I did a doubletake and laughed, because I’m the mom who wanted Michelle’s Sea Silk shawl and duplicated it for me, so it took me a moment to realize you weren’t teasing me but actually talking about your own mom. Too funny! was one place I’ve been pleased with, and I’ve twice gotten one-off colorways via Tidal Bay Yarns over on Ebay.
Comment by AlisonH 07.08.07 @ 8:26 pmHmmm, I’m thinking my sister could use some of them bracelets. For some reason, she gets eaten alive by the bugs. I might get 1-2 bites, she would get 6 and 2 would get infected! I’m emailing her the link now….
Comment by c 07.09.07 @ 7:18 amI read the bugband article, too, and am going to get some. Recently I had over 17 bites on my lower legs and they all ‘blossomed’ to 3-4″ inches each — horrible itch for days on end no matter what I put on them. Took weeks for spots to disappear. Mosquitos have always loved me! Hope these work for both of us!
Comment by Nancy Weber 07.09.07 @ 11:47 amLeave a comment
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