Friday June 29th 2007, 4:33 pm
Filed under: Amaryllis
Filed under: Amaryllis
There, there, little orchid (the amaryllis reaches out a leaf) see how much we’re more alike than different? We’re all friends here. Glad to have you move into the neighborhood. (Turns on the stereo, and the orchidstra starts playing.) Enjoy the music, pull up your knitting, and set a spell with us.
3 Comments so far
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Allison, you crack me up! 😀
The flower is lovely. Any tips to making them rebloom? My orchids die without blooming again. 🙁
I’m a newbie at orchids. All I know so far is, they told me only water it once a week, and that overwatering is how most people kill them off. The flowers should last for a month.
Comment by AlisonH 06.29.07 @ 4:53 pmUmm, yea, I am an orchid killer myself. Sorry to say.
Love that word> orchidstra. Perfect! You’re so funny.
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