I had a high school English teacher who never knew the impact he had on me and on my writing: if your name is Mr. Smith and you taught at Winston Churchill in Potomac, Maryland till you left to go get your doctorate, thank you, wherever you are now. One memorable moment was immediately on the first day of class, when he looked over the gathered students sitting quietly in their chairs after the bell had rung, and just kind of went, wow. Then he explained to us that when he’d started teaching, the kids didn’t come in and sit at their desks–that was too establishment. That was Not Done. It was the late 60’s, and they sat on the floor instead.
My friend Nancy and I were at Marin Fiber Arts today, up north of San Francisco, and at one point in the afternoon, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to do just to plunk down on the floor and pull out my knitting along with everybody else. This photo was shot as I was brought another book to sign, a bit after I’d done the others.
Mr. Smith would have loved it. And a very good time was had by all. I can see why my friend Patricia goes out of her way to come to MFA: it’s a well-stocked, wonderful store, with a huge selection of yarns that appeal to one’s sense of touch as well as one’s sense of colors, and Warren, the owner of http://www.marinfiberarts.com/ , is a peach.
4 Comments so far
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Look how cute you are! I wish that I had the time to follow you around….like a “Dead Head” groupy. It seems like you know the most wonderful places!
You look very Queenly in your newly acquired fame!!
The English teacher who had that impact on me (also in Montgomery County, MD) was Mimi McMindes. From her I got an enduring love for Shakespeare and the belief that I could write–yes, I could!
Comment by Diana 07.01.07 @ 2:21 pmUm, I go out of my way, because I believe in only spending my time on the BEST. I knit with the best yarn (that I can afford and horde); I shop at the best yarn store in my area (even if it is 30 minutes farther than the closest shop to me); and I choose to buy only the best knitting books — YOURS.
Comment by Patricia 07.01.07 @ 4:10 pmLeave a comment
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