Filed under: Knit
About time for some knitting content around here. This is a scarf I knitted yesterday using just one repeat of the body of Nina’s shawl. I used one strand of baby alpaca I’d dyed in a bright light blue and one of Jaggerspun Zephyr merino/silk in royal–I liked how the two colors played together, and they grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.
It wasn’t till I was nearly done that I found I’d dropped a stitch at the beginning. Normally this would be a disaster–but since the yarn is doubled, the loops from the other color running through it will help anchor it in place so it won’t run. (I will, however, go back with a mending strand and tuck it a bit out of sight there.) One stumbles, the other keeps it steady and keeps the pattern going. There is so much poetry inherent in the simple act of wrapping wool around wood.
It took me awhile to figure out why those colors had so grabbed me: Nina herself is at Camp Stitches at Asilomar right now, at a gorgeous spot looking over the ocean. Sky and sea–and here I was, knitting the two as one without being consciously aware of why those two shades had wanted to dance together. Cool.
Meantime, my LYS got a case of 36 books in yesterday, and when I showed up for my knitting group last night each one had been sold or spoken for, and they were scrambling to go order more. Nina called to report that the LYS down where she is had sold out instantly as well. You all don’t mind if I brag happily, do you?
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Thank you, Alison, for posting on Mindy’s site (she has been having such a rough time for the last four and a half months. Stephanie accidently put Mindy’s name above my picture (Angie, the one who got your autograph for your book and have pre-ordered it already…it was wonderful meeting you as well!). Mindy was my friend with me and I gave Stephanie both our names and Mindy’s blog address – if you go to you can see a picture of me, Mindy and Stephanie. Today is my second time to visit your blog since returning home and I love it. Keep up the good work and let me know WHEN your NEXT book will be out. 🙂
My copy of your book came in the mail today and it’s just gorgeous! The shawls and scarves are graceful, they drape beautifully and stay on the shoulders! It has something for knitters of any level of skill and I am pulling out my stash to interview potential candidates for a shawl even as I type this. Thank you for this wonderful addition to my lace library! I’ve posted the book on my blog and on the “Spun Stitches” site because I just know that lots of others out there will appreciate these patterns just as I do.
Comment by lacefreak 06.16.07 @ 12:48 amIf you didn’t brag happily, we’d wonder what was wrong with you! We’re proud of you.
I can’t wait for the LYS to get my copy in…!!! If they’ll let me, I’ll take a picture of the book in its native environment before I bring it home.
Comment by kristine 06.16.07 @ 6:38 amBrag away! You deserve it!
Looking forward to seeing it myself…I just bought 1675 yards of lace wt. silk in a taupe and still need to find something to do with it.
Congratulations on your instant hit! (I’m pretty sure it’ll only grow in popularity, too…) Yay for Alison!
Amy 🙂
Oooh… I love that pattern.
Robin, wishing her book were already here
Pretty pretty! And congratulations on the LYS selling out of your books! I have to order my copy.
Comment by Kathleen 06.16.07 @ 7:16 pmLeave a comment
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