There you are!
Thursday May 24th 2007, 10:17 pm
Filed under: Non-Knitting

When we first moved to California from New Hampshire, having three preschoolers, I decided one of the first things I had to learn was the most direct route to the nearest emergency room. You just never know. After all, I was the kid who ran through the glass storm door, got hit by a car on my bike, and took the bottom of my foot off in the spokes of my new bike… The receptionist in the ER in Washington, DC cheerfully greeted my mother by name when she showed up with my brother one time.

So here I am, the new kid on the WordPress block, and I’m trying to find my way around the various routes. Haven’t figured out the photo thing yet, but I’ll get there quickly, I imagine.

6 Comments so far
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Hey! Here YOU are. I like your new, colorful look! Hope the photo thing is as close to painless as it can possibly be.

Comment by Robin 05.25.07 @ 4:11 am

Very nice layout for your new site! As for pictures, I’m sure you will figure it out, eventually that is 🙂

Comment by Jane 05.25.07 @ 6:07 am

Interesting new look! No matter what, I love your stories. The details of bloggishness don’t matter – just keep writing!

Comment by AmyS 05.25.07 @ 8:56 am

I love your new look. But (gah, why does there have to be a but!) because your background is so very 3D looking, my eyes get twitchy if I am reading a long post. Any chance you could soften your lovely knitting background?

Comment by Susan 05.25.07 @ 8:59 am

Susan, I have no clue. I’ll have to ask the friend who worked on the graphics if we can, but she just took off for a week’s vacation outside of the country. Meantime, anybody know of a plug-in to connect Picasa to WordPress?

Comment by AlisonH 05.25.07 @ 11:55 pm

I’m a little unclear what you want Picasa to do in wordpress, but perhaps this plugin or one of the footnoted ones will be relevant.

Comment by Johnna 05.29.07 @ 11:26 pm

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