Sunday February 04th 2007, 3:21 pm
Filed under: Non-Knitting
Filed under: Non-Knitting
A stray follow-up thought on Friday’s post: if I hadn’t dropped that chair earlier, that technician wouldn’t have been able to make quite so much of a difference later when I so much needed him to, when I had pneumonia. And Sam wouldn’t have had me thanking him and calling him my hero–which he very much was–and don’t we all need to be needed. I still promise not to drop it again, though, promise.
Someone who knows me wasn’t quite sure my blog was mine when she found it, because I had never set up my profile. Now I’ve got one. Go enjoy a marshmallow, but watch out for helpers… (My husband’s face pleaded silently, Please don’t laugh. PLEASE don’t laugh!!! I managed not to. But it was very, very hard.)
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