How to remove EEG glue easily
Thursday November 09th 2006, 1:06 pm
Filed under: Non-Knitting

This is a public service announcement. Just a quick post for the sake of anybody who does the Google search that I tried three weeks ago, to no avail. When I was discharged after my four-day EEG, where the 23 electrodes had been sealed to my hair via air compressor and some type of stinky superglue, I was told to rub huge amounts of cheap conditioner into my hair and then rub the hair hard between my hands to work the stuff out.

I thought, I’m a fiber artist. I know about felting. This sounds like a really really bad idea. It was, and I have the broken hairs and lost locks to prove it. But I didn’t know what else to do. Finally, my husband convinced me to try soaking it in baby oil (since they’d rubbed a little in while removing the electrodes.) Totally soak my head and my hair, drippity drip. Leave it there a couple of hours.

So much for the concert I’d been hoping to get out the door in time for. But it worked! So easily and with absolutely zero grief in terms of my hair, that I can only look in the mirror and wish I’d tried that first. Oh well, two years from now, you’ll never know.

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Didn’t you then have trouble getting the OIL out?

Comment by Marlene 11.09.06 @ 2:48 pm

Last time I had an EEG, I believe I stood in the shower, under lovely, hot water, and picked at it with my fingers. I may have gone at it with a comb, before the shower too. ‘Course, it was a short EEG, not 4-days worth. Ick. Don’t think of it as lost locks, think of it as a perky, punk, fiber-artist style! 🙂

Comment by Serena 11.09.06 @ 3:41 pm

I did the short EEG a year ago, and that stuff does wash out easily. This was cement, basically, and yeah, I used a huge amount of shampoo after the baby oil. Nobody else touched that hot water heater, it was mine that day!

Comment by AlisonH 11.09.06 @ 7:47 pm

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