Today, UPS rang the doorbell: my new computer, with a monitor I can actually see on. I loved that Newsweek had an Annie Liebowitz shot of Bill Gates using a monitor like the one I was using–and even more when I noticed the caption said that picture was shot in ’94. Yeah, there was a reason mine was getting hard to read.
So, while my husband was getting the new setup in place, the doorbell rang again. The yellow DHL truck, bringing me my manuscript from Martingale for my review. I’ve been going through it, and there, on one page, was what to me was a hysterically funny note: “Alison. It says on this scarf that it’s 55″ wide. It’s really stretchy, but we could only get it to 8″.”
Five POINT five. I guess if I didn’t quite see the period I didn’t notice because I was so used to not quite seeing them? I can just see the looks on the editors’ faces! Too funny!
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Too funny!
Just in case you haven’t been checking out my blog, there should be another package arriving on your doorstep in the near future… :0
Comment by Kristine 10.06.06 @ 1:53 pmThat’s hilarious. I love that the editors were sure you must be right, to the point that they tried to stretch something that wide! They must really believe in you. lol
Congratulations on the new equipment! That’s always exciting. We keep our computers pretty up-to-date, I must confess, but I am still blessing the storm that zapped my ancient VCR. (I’m not sure I want to replace it either–but I’m glad to be rid of the old one that didn’t work well anyway.)
Comment by Joni 10.06.06 @ 2:03 pmOh, I’m sure they knew; I’m sure they knew it would make me laugh, too, while making the point to me nicely of, you DO want to fix this, right?
And Kristine–thank you. I can’t wait! Joni, we had updated the computers over the years without updating the monitors. It was way past time. We could have used a good East Coast-type rocking thunderstorm along the way, definitely; I’m glad you got one when your VCR needed one. I could have helped speed up the process for you, though, I could have loaned you the peanut butter sandwich that got pushed into the slot way back when.
Comment by AlisonH 10.06.06 @ 5:42 pmLeave a comment
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