Didn’t turn out too camo-green in the end, I’d say.
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Because you’ve created the new color, you get to name it! You can modifiy an existing name or create a totally new one. Dusky raspberry heather maybe?
Your description of the sea birds sounds magical. Too bad you forgot the camera.
Comment by Lynn 09.27.06 @ 10:20 pmWell, you know, a number of years ago, a dear friend of mine wanted one of those new purple Hondas she was seeing zipping around, and her car was dying the death anyway. Her husband said, as she headed out the door, Just don’t get purple, dear, whatever you do.
She got to the Honda dealership, looked at their brochure, and voila! Camellia red was their name for it–red, that sounds sporty, sure! So she bought it and brought it happily home, knowing she was going to have to endure her husband’s groans about his colorblind wife. Which she did indeed. But it was her car, so hey.
That scarf is a good shade of Honda camellia red.
Comment by AlisonH 09.27.06 @ 11:21 pmBeautiful color and stitch pattern!
Comment by Amy O'Neill Houck 09.28.06 @ 7:00 amLeave a comment
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