Rhapsody in Blue
Monday September 25th 2006, 6:19 pm
Filed under: Knit

The yellow scarf ended up in the pot with Sapphire dye, no teal added this time. It’s still a bit on the teal side of blue, indicative of how saturated that yellow dye was. Yellow, by the way, is the easiest of all colors to overdye and obliterate, red is the hardest.

Meantime, yesterday I picked up the angora to start the next scarf, and–it just wasn’t coming to me. Fifteen stitches, I’m not sure why they all have to be exactly 15 stitches; but then, my dad tells me that, as the fourth of six kids, I was the one always getting on the parents’ case, demanding that things be fair. (Pardon me while I apologize to them.) I can only laugh now, thinking of all the times I’ve looked my own kids dead in the eye and declared, Life ain’t fair. It all evens out over time, just not right this moment, and that’s just the way it is. Deal. And now here I am, knitting for my siblings, trying to make everything come out, well, not all the same–there’s no way I’d knit a slew of identical projects in a row; using the same yarn over and over is enough–but at least all to the same length, with the same number of stitches. I guess I’m still a kid at heart.

So. Having failed yesterday, today I picked up my trusty Barbara Walkers, looking for inspiration. And there it was jumping off the page and onto my needles, ooh, ooh, me, me, pick me!: an old Shetland pattern, not the simplest, but definitely one that fits here. Fifteen stitches. The name? The Four Sisters. Well YEAH I have to make that pattern next! 

2 Comments so far
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Hi Alison! Just tried to make a post and it failed. (And all is lost!)

Comment by Lynn 09.26.06 @ 12:14 pm

I’m sorry! There’s been some tweaking going on in the background of the blog–notice the edges have changed so it doesn’t do that weird repeating thing–and if you posted just when that went through, blogger would have lost your comment.

Comment by AlisonH 09.26.06 @ 1:22 pm

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