Good intentions.
He thought of a way to ask nicely, what possessed you? without putting it like that.
Frozen, that helps the texture soften, right? And it would be minced so finely you wouldn’t care. Dark green veggies are good for you! The flavor would be covered by all the parmesan I would heap on that bad boy and maybe some pizza type sauce too if that’s not enough to smother it. Or something.
Kale gnocchi from Trader Joe’s.
Back into the freezer it went.
But I’m going to sneak a few cubes into the microwave and try it out–tomorrow for sure.
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It sounds quite tasty. More for you! Even some tall kids just hate green stuff. One niece would pick out parsley. A coworker’s sister keeps trying to convince her that kale tastes just like spinach, going so far as to use it in “spinach dip.” Nope. She can smell it. Won’t eat it.
Comment by DebbieR 01.27.23 @ 9:21 amLeave a comment
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