Thursday October 08th 2020, 11:06 pm
Filed under: Food,Garden

There’s a joke to be made about the Waltham Mass but then maybe only because we used to live north of Boston.

Last night: one homegrown Waltham butternut squash–the seeds bought after Sally and others said that that was the best tasting variety. (I’m blanking. Who all else said so? Claim your credit, you earned it.)

Between being ginger with that back and the bit of flu still, carving it in half just didn’t appeal. Not even the method of putting the cutting board (on the floor, if there’s anything breakable on the counter) stabbing the edge of a large knife into the center of the squash and then going HeeYAH! smashing it into the cutting board with velocity so that it can split open and spew seeds under the fridge.

Like you’ve never done that?

Not doing it.

So I simply rinsed it off and stuck in the oven on a cookie sheet at 350 for 100 minutes or so. Whole. Along with the rest of the dinner after awhile, hey, join the party in there.

It was a pretty big one. We had seconds.

I said to him, That’s the best butternut squash I think I’ve ever had.

He looked up from his plate and pronounced, It’s a good one.

Tonight: I took the rest I’d scraped out last night and cuisinarted it with three eggs, a slight chug of milk (should have added butter) and a bit of ginger-infused maple syrup that was one of those weird things you occasionally find at Trader Joe’s that has just been *waiting* for this moment. Regular real maple would be fine, too. Put the mixture in my two quart Jewel-glaze cake pan from Mel and Kris, sprinkled a little brown sugar on top and took its picture because it was pretty–and again, it came out of the oven very very good and the blog still won’t load photos.

Thank you for the Waltham advice, you were so right!

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I have been cooking squash whole in the slow cooker with a bit of water at the bottom. When I take it out (after hours) it is squishy and easy to clean out! The oven also does this,of course, and it drastically reduces the amount of raw squash mess…we had spaghetti squash this way just a day or two ago! Yours sounds good though.

Comment by Joanne 10.09.20 @ 6:11 am

Finally grew an Australian butter squash, the 1st time (in Tacoma) someone climbed up the retaining wall and ripped it off while it was still green. I wanted to at least taste one before I called it quits! I’ll pit that flavor against a butternut anyday. (We could have a taste test but there’s this pesky 8 or 900 miles in the way…) Growing this one again. Pierced the skin all over and baked a big candy roaster whole like that one year. You’d think it would be a mess, but the guts and seeds are easy to scrape away after.

Comment by Marian 10.09.20 @ 10:26 pm

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