(Sorry/not sorry for the earworm. I woke up with Frosty the Snowman nonstop in my head this morning, I figure that one’s an upgrade.)
“What’s a kangaroo pocket?” That was a new one on him. He definitely approves of pockets and can’t figure out why women’s clothes almost never have them or why we would buy ones that don’t, but yeah, he knows the answer to that is because they just don’t often make them. The fact that this one did is part of why I bought it.
I put my hands in and then pulled one arm through and out to this side and then the other through and out to the other to demonstrate. There’s this tube sewn on at the openings so it runs across on the inside, see?
It was this maxi cotton/modal black dress, pandemically priced down from $110 (which was ridiculous) to $15 that day (yeah we can definitely do that) and it definitely looked good on.
Machine washable. So I had run it through the laundry first, as I do.
And then I’d tried it on again just to, y’know, make sure it hadn’t shrunk any (but I think mostly because it was new and made me feel pretty and I wanted a dose of that again before putting it away.)
Holy cannoli what a tourniquet, but at least I got it–mostly–on. What happened?! I managed to scramble out again, perplexed and trying not to be upset.
And then it hit me.
So then I had to go show him, waiting for him to laugh. He did.
Oh yeah. It’s got pockets. Just don’t let the subject go over your head.
3 Comments so far
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Oh that looks so pretty and so comfy at the same time. I think I would like that but the t-neck would have me overheated in about 2 minutes. I can see you with a dramatic coloured shawl over your shoulder – a feel good look if there ever was one.
Enjoy that. But look out for the pocket (giggle).
And I would really like to see how that fish is turning out. So colourful!
Comment by Chris S in Canada 10.10.20 @ 5:18 pmThat’s pretty!
I put on a swimsuit recently and thought, hmm, feels funny, was this how it fit before? Then realized that the built-in sash thing was on my back, not front. Yup, that made a difference!
Comment by ccr in MA 10.11.20 @ 8:47 amKinda like putting on undies and using the leg hole for the waist!
Not that I’d know…
Comment by twinsetellen 10.11.20 @ 7:11 pmLeave a comment
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