Gig case
Friday September 25th 2020, 9:15 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

Musings during the ongoing toss-and-organize and a wow, do we still have that.

Way back when my kids were in band I bought a seriously padded trumpet case. It’s big, because it was the most protective one I could find, because, kids.

It was in the back seat twenty years ago when my youngest and I were rear-ended into another car so hard that the car crumpled up to the back window, the glove compartment spewed open and all over us, the rearview mirror twisted sideways, I lost my sense of balance for life hitting the headrest so hard and the trumpet went flying into the backs of our seats hard enough to seriously damage the bell despite all that padding. West Valley Music spent a month repairing it. But that case helped keep that trumpet from doing worse to us and to it.

So it holds a lot of memories and it has taken a hit, but all you can see is that one side curves inward somewhat. The trumpet continued to be in it till the younger son lost interest after middle school and the older son, who’d had it first and had always done more with it and wanted it more, took it home for his own kids and let it live happily ever after.

In a different case that fits better in their space.

I just offered the padded one (which came from West Valley) to one group, and if that doesn’t work I’ll ask the school district’s music department.

3 Comments so far
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My goodness, wouldn’t that take you back! And not to the greatest memory, perhaps, but you’re still here, and I’m glad of that.

Comment by ccr in MA 09.26.20 @ 8:01 am

Those “do we still have that” times sure bring back the memories, as I found when I moved this time and had to downsize so much.

Comment by Sharon Stanger 09.26.20 @ 9:39 am

I played tuba in high school. Too big to take home on the bus so it lived at school. But I did take it to band camp when I was 16. That was a fabulous week!! Everyone was a musician and nobody thought it strange that a girl would play that instrument.
Thanks for bringing back some good memories. I’m sorry your trumpet memories are less than stellar.

Chris S
I think I could still play the A&W root bear song if I gave it a try.

Comment by Chris S in Canada 09.26.20 @ 4:48 pm

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