The phone rang seconds before I’d have been out the door to Andy’s Orchard and blew up my plans for celebrating having gotten the mammogram over with this morning.
A strange male voice barked, “Your appointment with Dr. H next week is cancelled!” He sounded almost–I dunno, accusatory?
“Oh okay” (me, wondering, Are you for real?)
“Do you want to come in at 1:00!”
Me, ever so mildly: “It’s 1:08.”
He backpedaled hard. “How fast can you get here.”
And suddenly I’m on for 2:00, with mixed emotions. Fun. Save me the last Kit Donnell peaches, Andy? If there still are any? I gave the last of mine to that potluck yesterday, where they were raved over.
When I showed up, there was a young man at the desk who, when I told him my name, got this terribly sheepish look and then relaxed and laughed a little because I did so he’s okay, really, it’s alright.
And so I went in for my annual no-current-cardiac-problems checkup.
The doctor, who is my age, explained the cancellation in the sparsest of words and strongest emotions: his mom… He had to go see her…
I told him, My dad, too–we answer every call now.
I described my reaction to that new carpeting at church: how it felt much more like when my blood pressure was tanking hard years ago, before he got that under control. But maybe it was just asthma?
Sounded more like the latter to him. But (and I’m writing it here so that I can find it later) he added after a moment’s thought: probably there wasn’t, but if there was any amyl nitrite in that installation it could mimic the chemically similar nitroglycerin in the bloodstream after you breathe it in.
Holy cow. I’d been given that one single time in the hospital and my reaction to it had triggered the alarms and sent people running to my room–yeah that was a fun day.
Or maybe I just needed to use the inhaler last Sunday. I did.
Did it work?
Who knows, yes?, but I was out of there.
But you know what? It just felt like a relief to know that whatever it is, he knows about it. It’s not all on me anymore.
And he knows I know about his mom now and that my heart goes with him and his family on their long flight home.
1 Comment so far
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Interesting theory! I do love a doctor with a mind open to different ideas–that curiosity is priceless.
Comment by ccr in MA 08.20.19 @ 9:34 amLeave a comment
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