The cheerful, tiny Bewick’s wrens are some of my favorites of the bird world. One of the things I’ve been doing lately is keeping a small suet cake inside and breaking a little off with the edge of a spoon, taking it outside, and smushing it into crumbs on a wooden box out there where they like to go check out whether the woodpecker working away above on another cake in a holder left any gleanings yet; it’s just a step or two outside the glass door. I often make two little taps with the spoon as if to call them to dinner, hoping for a little Pavlovian effect. I can play woodpecker too.
Today I was still at the smushing stage when, to my surprise, one of the Bewick’s swooped by in an arc right past where I was bending over, then quickly away to the edge of the patio, waiting expectantly. Then swooping in to eat as soon as I stepped back inside the door.
And here’s the thing, the most mindboggling thing to me: as it zipped by, I HEARD IT SINGING.
Not the whole song, just a flash of cheerful loud–loud!–notes that disappeared fast between its motions and mine and the near-instant distance away. They’re not only cute–but wow, what a voice!
To the engineers at Sonic Innovations hearing aid company, if you ever see this, thank you for giving me a memory I never expected, with a now-110 dB hearing loss at 8Khz, could be possible again. Wow!
8 Comments so far
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Sounds like quite a treat from your friendly Bewick.
Comment by andrea 12.12.10 @ 2:35 amHow great that you heard the song. Write to the hearing aid company. It will be rewarding to them.
Comment by Joansie 12.12.10 @ 6:12 amI thought the same thing Joansie did! A thank you that can be sent by their customer service dept to all employees or posted in the staff room will be much appreciated. On a less life-changing note, I had to deal with a rotten pre-fab furniture distributor who sent me broken pieces and I could not get the pieces I needed until I went straight to the manufacturer (in another country). A nice receptionist there got me the components and a few days after they arrived I emailed pictures of Emily’s new bedroom to her. She was delighted and so happy she could help give my daughter such a sweet room! In this case, giving you one of your major senses is an even larger gift and I’m sure that everyone who works for that organization will be glad to know they’re appreciated!
Comment by LynnM 12.12.10 @ 9:23 amYou can play woodpecker? Is your nickname now Woody? It’s great that you could hear that Bewick! Singing birds and laughing children — the best of sounds!
Comment by Don Meyer 12.12.10 @ 10:35 amGlad you were able to hear something as beautiful as a bird song, all I heard today was snow blowers, I pity the birds here with all the snow that fell, hopefully they will find food and water.Take care and yes, the snowballs did fly , our neighbors have a huge snowman in there yard.
Comment by kris 12.12.10 @ 4:51 pmhave this wonderful image of you in the role of Disney’s Snow White, in this scene (after she is happy again) :-}
I am so glad for you!
beautiful! next thing you know I’ll be seeing pictures of you in Birds & Blooms with Bewicks sitting in your hands
(and the song for today — Feed the Birds)
Comment by Bev 12.13.10 @ 8:38 amLeave a comment
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