Filed under: Knit
*siren*Â Â Â *the lights flash at last*
Knitting Police. Ma’am, do you know why I asked you to purl over?
No, Officer, I don’t.
You’re impeding frog-ness and you have stitches piling up behind you that saw very well what you did. I got a 911 call from them.
I didn’t do anything wrong, Officer! Just speeding on past the swatching stage… And yeah, I did change it just a bit–well, a lot on this version over the first shawl–but I did the math and jotted down the numbers and I knew it would work right, so I thought I’d go ahead and get started on this second one…
I thought so. Look, lady, I don’t want to get in a row with you. Just come off those needles peacefully now.
I will not! I’ve done nothing wrong!
That’s what they all say.
…Oh… An extra stitch at the end of… But how on earth…
(And then she proved to be a repeat offender…)
Which is how this knitter spent three hours in knitter jail today and had the book thrown at her. This might also help explain why it is not yet on payroll: it has to be done exactly right.
One row. I got row finished for three hours’ work, not because I needed more swatching, not because it was hard–it wasn’t–but because I was distracted and wasn’t paying enough attention to reading the actual knitting at a point where the pattern didn’t show well yet. I kept making dumb mistakes in very small dark stitches on a dark needle. Tink, tink, again and again till I finally frogged way back in disgust, thinking: I could have wound a second 500+ yard ball and started over on a different needle by now and been past that point. But wherever the mistake was, *that* should get it because I know it was perfect up till there!
And then I put it down and walked away for hours. I finally went back to it and simply made myself get past the point that had stymied me. (And thought, What was my problem here! That was so easy!)
Like I knew all along it should be. Sometimes you just need to go do something else for awhile.
But I also firmly believe that if you have to frog part of a project you intend to finish, you should try to get past where you were on it before the day ends if you possibly can in order to help keep it from becoming a *TOAD. Or else the row’dkill that project.
And it is on its merry way now. Looking good!
(p.s. And this is another reason why I knit each project multiple times before putting it out there. It has to be perfect and then proven perfect again in exactly that rendition. Better yet, at least three times. And I do.)
*Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
14 Comments so far
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Mwahahaa, the knitting police! Nice one!
Comment by tinebeest 08.24.10 @ 2:57 amtoo funny!
Unless it’s really obvious, in which case I’ll frog, I always try to see if it can become a “design element”.
I have been known to toss a UFO into the bottom of the closet until it can learn to behave. Long story on that regarding my first lace shawl.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.24.10 @ 6:27 amThe knitting police always catch me when I have a deadline to meet. What is it with them? Do they always have to wait on their motorcycles behind every turn?
Comment by Jody 08.24.10 @ 6:34 amMJ bought some lovely scrapbooking papers on vacation last week. One is a big red curtain, with a dark stage behind it. Picture yourself there with a banner that says Queen of Puns. 😉
Comment by Channon 08.24.10 @ 7:20 amOh d d d dear. However, I rather deal with the Frogness Monster than Mothra….you know?
Comment by Ruth 08.24.10 @ 8:43 amYou are before this court, young lady, for breaking the knitty knotty knaughty law. Howsomenever, given your previous almost unblemished record, I am putting you on probation provided you knit something nice for my wife.
Comment by Don Meyer 08.24.10 @ 9:15 amToo much knitting stress, too much knitting stress!
Glad it’s on its way.
Comment by LynnM 08.24.10 @ 12:12 pmIf only all knitting mishaps resulted in such fun posts! The world would be a fabulous place.
*hugs* 🙂
Comment by Amy 08.24.10 @ 4:07 pmI guess that officer came around last week… That’s why I left a stole aside: since I started that project (and I did practice the pattern – no swatch though), I have had to start over at least 9 times!!!
Now, the first 12 rows are good, all 90 stitches are accounted for. I just need to buy some waxless floss before I can go on.
Thank you for adding a smile in a situation where it’s not funny to be!
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.24.10 @ 4:30 pmLoved the TOAD. tried entrelac. Created a hat, loosely put together. Needs fulling. Yes, you can tell were this is going. Tried fulling in a dishpan, then tried the machine. No luck. Left it in machine while I go hunt for ballband to make sure it was not superwash wool. Come back to cat sized chapeau. Now to make a stuffed animal to fit under the hat.
Comment by Mickey 08.25.10 @ 6:20 pmoh Alison, you have made my day!! (and I really needed a smile after spending the last 24 hours dealing with a very cranky DH with a toothache!!)
oh yes, and this same approach may sometimes apply to quilts too — last night I put aside a block that I have decided must be frogged — sometimes you just can’t turn a mistake into a design opportunity
Comment by Bev 08.26.10 @ 7:24 amThe way I think about it, you did way more than one row. The stuff you frogged had to be knit and gotten through first, then you knit the row. The experimentation is part of the whole process.
And you created a new knitting term at the same time!
Comment by twinsetellen 08.26.10 @ 9:33 pmLeave a comment
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