Milking it for all it’s worth
Tuesday October 27th 2009, 2:03 pm
Filed under: Non-Knitting

When someone lists a gallon of milk for sale on Amazon–wait, it gets worse, the price is $69.99–it begs for reviews like this one. Or the person who says get the Kindle version, it’s only ten bucks.  And then, looking under “new and used” there is of course the overpriced collector’s edition going for $2,500.00 plus $4.49 shipping.

Quoting the $1500 version: “Comments: Always fresh. Will never expire. We bring the cow right to your door.”  (But does one tip the cow?)  The $2499 version: “Comments: will hand deliver, then come in and make you a Tiramisu with product in your kitchen.”

Gee, cow can we resist?  After all, feeding our families well is a heifer responsibility.  I wonder if they’ll bring a DVD too so we can watch a moovie while they whip up that tiramisu. And how about a salad on the side with a little ranch dressing.  You hoof to hand it to them, that’s a pretty strong incentive: real food, real local.  It’s a grass-roots moovement!

(LynnM? LauraN?  Or…?  Your turn on the cheesy puns!)

(With thanks to Terry Border at Bent Objects for the heads-up.)

18 Comments so far
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Boy, you milked that one for all it was worth! Holy Cow! They bring the dispenser right to your door! Before I read down far enough, I feared the milk would be mailed. But can you imagine hefting a heifer down the plush hallway in some high rise apartment building?

Okay, this is not the best joke I’ve ever come up with, but under the circumstances …

What is the difference between a Scottish wedding and a Scottish funeral?

At the funeral there is one less drunk.

Comment by Don Meyer 10.27.09 @ 2:40 pm

That was so corny I had to check my blood sugar! And, Corn(y) syrup and I do not get along!!

Comment by Ruth 10.27.09 @ 3:51 pm

Aw, I thought you were going the dairy-free route.

Comment by Barbara-Kay 10.27.09 @ 4:26 pm

No whey!

Comment by twinsetellen 10.27.09 @ 6:42 pm

Udderly bovine, my dear.
You kept me in stanchions.

Comment by Diana Troldahl 10.27.09 @ 6:54 pm

I’m sorry. It’s too late here on the East Coast for clever puns. (Or at least none are occurring to me at the moment.) But I did want to tell you that last night my daughter was forced by various acts of nature to take a Midol tablet. She read the box to make sure she was taking the correct dose and discovered that Midol should NEVER be taken by anyone with prostate cancer. Umm????? I’m glad they’re including every possible warning.

Comment by LauraN 10.27.09 @ 7:05 pm

I don’t bull-ieve it. You can’t cownt on everything you read. BTW, LauraN, there’s a men’s multivitamin here that warns: Do not take if you are pregnant, planning to or likely to become pregnant or if you are breast-feeding except on the advice of a doctor or antenatal clinic. (Okay, it contains vitamin A so it’s a sensible precaution, even if it doesn’t apply to the healthy male joggers on the box.)

Comment by LynnM 10.28.09 @ 3:19 am

Okay, not enough coffee to make puns but I think this would be perfect lead in to talking about the Heifer International project. Ship that cow somewhere it can be used!

(Yes, I did know it was in fun. But you are talking to a woman that grew up on a poultry farm and NEVER wants to go back there again, I tell ya!)

Comment by afton 10.28.09 @ 3:33 am

Goes to show not everything is not black and white… There is a rainbow of possibilities and some will mooooove mountains to make them happen.

Thanks for the entertainment! Love the posting about Midol. Sure started my day with a laugh!

Comment by Suzanne in Mtl 10.28.09 @ 5:27 am

Oh goodness!

Comment by Channon 10.28.09 @ 7:06 am

Here, we need a theme song, and Diana helped me find it on Youtube: Begin the Bovine.

Comment by AlisonH 10.28.09 @ 9:22 am

Alison, I didn’t even know there were lyrics. I like the Clara-net version. (OK, poor. Get it Clara the cow?)

Comment by LynnM 10.28.09 @ 9:56 am

No puns, just an observation. Many years ago, I had a small cookbook, “Sourdough Jack’s Cookery”, 1959–gave it one of my daughters way back when. Since I have been hungering for sourdough pancakes, I wanted to get a copy of the book. I just looked it up on Amazon–$149.99!

Comment by sherry in idaho 10.28.09 @ 10:03 am

Trailing through links, I got to the interview in “Wall Street Journal” about Border and loved the comment that “And you may never feel safe around knitting needles again.” I hope nobody at TSA catches that one……….

Comment by Margo Lynn 10.28.09 @ 4:13 pm

Today’s world is udderly ridiculous!

Comment by AmyS 10.28.09 @ 9:46 pm

Well done! It’s a rare gift in this medium.

Comment by AlisonH 10.28.09 @ 10:05 pm

But then, there’s not a great deal at steak.

Comment by AlisonH 10.29.09 @ 9:32 am

Dunno whether to groan or laugh. Maybe both?

Comment by Lene 10.29.09 @ 9:16 pm

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