Frozen bowling ball
Friday January 16th 2009, 1:59 pm
Filed under: Crohn's flare

Yesterday was the purest form of hell I ever care to go through.  Drinking two full glasses of barium when you can’t keep a few ounces down…  Somehow with a lot of prayer I did it.  Took a very long time.

Today I’m below 101F so far and am sitting up just long enough to say how good it feels to be slightly more human.

With all those bags of saline in the evening, I felt like an injected and bathed in brine Butterball turkey, and pictured the turkey being used as a bowling ball, thrown down the aisle.  Bumpity bumpity STRIKE!

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A blessing for me to talk with you for a few moments last night.One benefit from taking the barium for a CT is that it made it easier for your mother and Richard to bully you to drink the Gatorade. Too bad you can’t bring yourself to drink the blue ones which are grouped as “Frost” varieties. They are really quite good,as are the Mango and Citrus Cooler flavors of the “Xtremo group. By my calculation you drank nearly a gallon of other varieties yesterday.
There was a frog, a handsome frog, who went to see a fortune teller. “You will meet a very, very beautiful blond co-ed who will want to know everything about you.” “Where will I meet her, at a party?” the excited frog asked. Came the answer, “Next year in a biology lab.”
Time is on your side–a little better each day, the days add up, and you will be swinging your cane and driving you motorized chair again like a fighter pilot.(I remember your maneuvering of it around the Monterey aquarium.)
Love and continued prayers, Dad

Comment by Dad 01.17.09 @ 11:34 am

Are you sure you’re a *frozen* bowling ball with that temp? Though bowling with a thawed turkey would be much less successful.

Glad to hear you’re feeling better though. Hang in there! *huuuuuuuuuuuuuug*!

Comment by Ruby 01.17.09 @ 12:14 pm

Just remember that, in bowling, the more strikes you get, the better your score! So we hope that all this is actually healing you. Hang in there.
You’re in my prayers every day.

Comment by Lisa H. 01.17.09 @ 5:55 pm

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