Filed under: Knit
Truth be told, one of the reasons I wanted that hamster ball was because last time I was in the hospital, I was well enough to knit and to get annoyed at the ball of yarn continually leaping off the bed and running around the room as if a cat were chasing it. I tried not to trip up any doctors or nurses with it, and I was not thrilled at what it might dust off the floor for me. That ball and holder are exactly perfect.
Speaking of hospitals, this is going to someone who’s stuck in one now. I couldn’t decide whether it was going to him or his wife, so I’ll let them decide. The pattern will flatten out considerably when I rinse it down, but this is my Embossed Diamonds pattern that frames this blog. Now that Stitches is over, Tina, I’m finally getting your LunaSea yarn done.
Details later.
3 Comments so far
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I have to tell you, the yarn ball looks ethereal and heaven sent in your last post. When I saw it I wondered why I didn’t buy one (or two).
Comment by Michelle 02.27.08 @ 12:40 pmYou must knit in your sleep. Truly. How else do you get so much done?
Your work is beautiful as always.
Comment by Tiny Tyrant 02.27.08 @ 1:37 pmLeave a comment
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