Which is exactly what I did as I wrote last night; it was late and I was cheerfully exhausted. I had such a good time at Stitches!
Kevin at Wagtail Farms in Australia and I emailed back and forth a bit in the last week or two; I had that Julia shawl I’d done from a single skein of his kid mohair. Would he like me to bring it so he could display what one could accomplish with his yarn? Sure!
What he wasn’t expecting was the questions he got from me last night: did he have anyone back home who would love that deep teal color? (He was clearly wondering, where are you going with this?!…)
It took a few minutes for it to really sink in. But when it did, I got to see the love in his face for his sister and for his mother as he debated out loud which of them to give it to; his mother seems to have won out (I hope I’m not causing trouble by saying that!) I can understand that; honor thy mother is half of one of God’s top ten. He tried one more time–don’t you want to come by Sunday and pick it up? Nope. He talked about offering yarn in exchange, and I was fine with that, but really, I’d already been paid. He loves his family. I got to see him glowing with that love. How many times do we let strangers in to see what really matters to us? I feel pretty privileged. How could I ask for more?
4 Comments so far
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WOW! Sounds like you had a wonderful time at Stitches West!! I’m hoping to be able to make Stitches Midwest this yr and If I’m lucky maybe even Rhinebeck, but…one and or both of them will require my webstore to take off and fly :-)We are inprocess of rebuilding it after a host change wiped out the first one but should have it back up and running soon! I am so glad to hear that you had a wonderful time there!!! Now get some rest before you make yourself sick!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 02.22.08 @ 3:11 pmI love spontaneously giving.
A while back I made a scarf in earth tones and fell in love with the color combos. NOT my usual choice of palette, though I don’t abhor it or anything.
So I felt compelled to make a comfort wrap ala colorjoy.com with the same yarns. I felt compelled to wear it to my yearly mammogram. Then after several lovely chats sparked by the socks I was knitting, I felt compelled to come back to the waiting room from the dressing room with the wrap, and gift it to the woman who spoke of her new husband and her need to write her memoirs.
She immediately wrapped it ’round her shoulders and performed a shimmy dance for all of us.
Lovely, lovely moment.
I have decided you are the Queen of Smiles – you leave smiles in your wake wherever you go 😀 And when we get to read about it you give us all a chance to smile too —
Not sure if my post from the other thread showed up but it sounds like you are having so much fun – wish I could be there – just a tad envious 😉
Comment by rho1640 02.23.08 @ 10:23 pmAlison, you are one of the sweetest, most generous people I’ve ever met.
And I really wish you could have seen the look of wonder on that child’s face when I put your little bird into her little hand.
I’m sure Kevin will treasure that shawl, and the generosity both of the gift itself, and allowing him to display it, for a very, very long time.
I hope to see you soon.
Comment by Emilie 03.05.08 @ 3:21 pmLeave a comment
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