Diana modeling Bluejay
Friday February 08th 2008, 1:02 pm
Filed under: "Wrapped in Comfort",Amaryllis,Friends

amaryllis cropLene’s amaryllis still hasn’t quite yawned and stretched all the way open yet. Slowly, slowly. It’s 64 degrees in that room in winter (brrr, and lots of afghans in there), which means the amaryllises grow in slower motion–but they stay blooming longer. A good spot to curl up with a good book.

At Stitches West two years ago, I bought a huge hank of alpaca laceweight from Lisa Souza in her Shade Garden. I knitted it up into two shawls: for the first, I ran it with a strand of merino in lilac for a one-off for my friend Kristine at http://lilacknitting.blogspot.com/ which you can see me trying on if you click on “My Books” at the top of this page. The other, I ran it with a strand of light blue Baruffa merino fine laceweight and knitted it in the Bluejay pattern. (Lisa has since changed to a finer-micron-count baby alpaca laceweight, and I can’t wait to look over her stock at Stitches again in two weeks.) Lene’s amaryllis and Dad’s Moonlight amaryllis

Diana tried the Bluejay on for me last night. She was going, “This isn’t even fingering weight!” even with the two strands together. True.  It seems to me, the finer the yarn, the more formal-looking the shawl, and that’s the effect I was going for.

See you all at Stitches! I’ll be signing books Friday and Saturday afternoons.

Diana and the Bluejay shawl

5 Comments so far
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I love Diana’s expression :-}
The Blue Jay Shawl is one of my husband’s favorites. (Not to wear, but to look at in your book)

Comment by Diana Troldahl 02.08.08 @ 3:19 pm

Your flowers are so gorgeous. I think you might inspire me to finally go out and buy one!

Comment by Lisa 02.08.08 @ 6:31 pm

Wow. That’s really beautiful (both the amaryllis and the shawl).

Comment by Lene 02.08.08 @ 7:55 pm

The flowers are just beautiful! The shawl is gorgeous! Lovely post. Hope the booksigning goes well. 🙂

Comment by Toni 02.09.08 @ 8:56 am

What a pretty post! First the pretty flowers and then the gorgeous shawl….

Comment by Carol 02.09.08 @ 9:51 am

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