Filed under: Non-Knitting
Around Christmastime, I ordered a few copies of this book to give away; Chris Baldwin at writes the best comic strip since Calvin and Hobbes. After I got done with all the wrapping and shipping to far-flung family, come to find out I’d miscounted and my own prized copy was winging its way across the country to make someone else have some good laughs.
Which Margo Lynn knew nothing whatsoever about. She just knew there was this really cool comic strip, and now there was a book, and she wanted to make me happy… So she ordered me a copy.
Meantime, I had taken the nonsense knitting pattern that Vachel the Vulture knits in one scene, had knitted it up out of a bamboo/wool mix, made a vulture wing with it, photo’d it for this blog, and eventually mailed it off to Chris Baldwin; I figured he’d get a kick out of seeing what that pattern turned into. He did.
So when Margo Lynn ordered me that copy, this is what he did before shipping it off…
Chris, you’re the best. You, too, Margo Lynn.
7 Comments so far
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That is soooo cool. I still haven’t figured out how you got the bat-wing pattern yet, but I’m loving the knitting pattern (or whatever derivation of it I’ve come up with).
Does the KnitTalk list have mailing addresses up somewhere? or do people just have other people’s addresses from being in swaps? Just wondered.
-Miss Knotty
Comment by Miss Knotty 02.19.07 @ 9:23 pmLet’s see (having ten minutes ago finished my shawl project of the last week, and coming up from it for air, finally): multiples of four and two, so, cast on 10. Then, hmm, it starts to get dicey, let’s see: slip one as if to purl, so bring the yarn in front like a short-row effect, yeah, okay, continue, hmm. Still have two stitches left over. I think the first time, I just continued and knitted those anyway, this time I turned and purled immediately back. Repeat that row, without going to the end to the unmentioned stitches, and–yeah! Doing that, I got your straight pattern with those two superfluous stitches left in the dust by themselves. But if I…
Okay, so now we flip to page 46, where Chris has drawn Vachel in the margins for me, with him puzzling, “Or was it ‘slip a yo, go purl?'” Since it doesn’t say where, we just insert that part wherever we want and take out whatever we want in exchange, and get: taadaaah! A truly funny-looking…well, something…
I’d show you but the kid is on the other computer that has Picasa set up on it. Later!
Oh, and–no on the Knittalk snailmail addresses, people ask.
Comment by AlisonH 02.19.07 @ 10:30 pmThat’s the best autograph I have ever seen.
Comment by Marlene 02.20.07 @ 10:09 amIsn’t it, though! And like I say, there’s even another little sketch added on another page, of Vachel puzzling over the knitting instructions. Very, very cool.
Comment by AlisonH 02.20.07 @ 8:25 pmHm, I just re-read your entire blog, trying to find the vulture wing picture. Where is it?
How wonderful that you got 2 gifts in one book!
Comment by fiberfanatic 02.21.07 @ 8:26 amDec 4th, Mary. The easiest way to find it is to go to, enjoy the strip at the top of the page, scroll down a bit to just above where he has a picture of the book, to where he’s linked to that page on my blog. And there you go.
Comment by AlisonH 02.21.07 @ 11:00 am[…] to , scroll down a bit, and see the author of my favorite comic strip and what he’s got in his hands. So tell us, Chris, is it merino? Is it superwash […]
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