Feels weird to have it all done and not have it to do anymore
Sunday October 02nd 2022, 8:30 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift

Well huh. Colourmart’s cardboard cones are supposed to weigh 36 grams. I think I have enough yarn left over that I could have done one row more if I’d been willing to risk it, but I wasn’t. I did have another cone but I couldn’t absolutely guarantee the match on the color.

Then I weighed the cone out of curiosity to see how close I’d come.

The scale said 32.

The next step is to scour it in hot water to get the mill oils out. It will bloom and fill out and look prettier and brighten up and lay flatter and once that silicon coating is gone, it will be so very very soft.

It’s not perfect but you know what? I like it.

So close
Saturday October 01st 2022, 9:43 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift

57×45″. It is amazing how much progress you can make when you’re sitting for two-hour stints watching LDS General Conference, and Sunday, at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Pacific, I get to again–and will clearly finish it, assuming my hands hold up.

The middle tree’s a bit distorted here. There’s a raptor needing one more row to the left above it.

I really, really want a decent daytime photo.

50/50 cashmere/cotton. I have roughly 40 grams left of the original 900 on the cone and I think I’ll make it without having to use any of the next one.