Site icon SpinDyeKnit


Y’know, I mused to myself, if I hadn’t been stuck in an airport away from my other needles I most likely never would have started this with these–but I’m glad I did.

And then I made myself keep going, determined not to abandon the project again, even though I found the tightness with those smallish points a bit hard on my hands–it was a day when I just needed to finish something that would stay done. Even if I didn’t know what the next row was supposed to be as I went. Which is why it was just four more rows, four times now as I addlibbed.

I cast off at last, rinsed, and spread it out, amused: it is not the least bit what it was going to be when I started out, other than, well, red. And lace. But I really really like it. Can’t give it away till I make another one and write the process down this time–so that I can do it again and again after that, proofing and testing that writing. It’s a slow process. But it’s a good feeling to think, yes. This one will do.

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