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Hats for Vermont

And then there were three. Judy’s yarn knit with navy, with a turquoise-green Manos Silk Blend, and doubled on itself. I find myself hoping they go together to a family.

I had a concert to go to early–it was festival seating–and no time to run to the LYS to get another skein of just the right weight and color to match up with it next. Stash don’t fail me now. Nope, nope, too thin and three strands is not a carry-around project, nope not that one either. Who around here keeps buying all this lace and fingering weight?

There was one: but it wouldn’t cost me the $12.50 price of the ball, it would break up a shawl’s worth of seven of them to replace.  I probably don’t need that seventh, but I am adamant about having too much rather than possibly not enough before I start. Still. I almost…and almost again, but no, keep looking.

There! Inside that bag, out of sight, forgotten about–the discontinued (darn) Misti Royal Baby Alpaca! Oh, that is going to be SO soft and SO warm and it’s the lighter color I wanted this time. Got it!

I got the cast on and one and a half rows done before the show started.

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