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Needing a miracle

I needed two miracles, one small, one big. I got the first one this morning, for which I am infinitely grateful: I was first on the list and got a PCC line (“pick”) nurse installing my PCC line first thing this morning. This means that for the first time in a month, via tube now, I can get full and complete nutrition and my body can recover that way.

The second is much dicier. Tomorrow is the day, after the requisite two week interval, for my second Humira dose. It will be two epipens’ worth; the first dose was four epipens, next those two tomorrow, then I am to have one every other week after that forevermore.

I desperately need tomorrow’s dose to work.  Really work. If it does not, I have to have my colon out and will have a long hard recovery from that, and once you cut into a Crohn’s patient, there are many more surgeries later over the years.

If that Humira takes, I can avoid all of that and be home free.

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