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Stitches East day two

Okay, today I’m remembering to take my camera, even if I can’t make use of it yet.

I wonder if anyone else noticed–that last post, I finished writing it, got up from the computer, and it hit me almost immediately that that second to last paragraph was a perfect metaphor for the hopes of people around the world for how the United States will do after Tuesday’s results.

Anyway, back to yarn. I got some to play with, oh definitely, but no way to show them that I know how to do on this computer.  I did quite enjoy one woman seeing a copy of “Wrapped in Comfort” on my lap and exclaiming, “Oh, I LOVE that book!” Karen, wearing the large Water Turtles shawl in its pages and standing next to me, answered, “She wrote the book!”

The woman’s delighted exclamations made all three years of effort worth it just in that moment, I tell you.

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