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Let it be

Yet again, it rained more than double the forecast that the day started with.

On a cold rainy day, pulling the needles of an almost-finished blanket up to your hands is just the thing.

Those rows where I was wrapping the second color across the back of the first color or the other way around, every single stitch across the entire row, are finally over. It took nearly two weeks to do seven inches. Now all I have to do from here is finish on upwards and add a raptor as I go and add the navy edges for a picture frame.

Unless… Unless I do this morning’s sunrise, where a third layer of darker storm clouds put a top bun on my sky sandwich of white clouds and bright blue.

It was so pretty and it so called out to me.

Then I turned away from the window and half-deliberately did not take a photo of it to tempt myself with.

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