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It’s the coverup that gets you

So when you only have ten skeins because that’s a Malabrigo dye lot and you want to make a baby blanket and you know that any kind of openwork will stretch the size/yardage ratio nicely but will also get tiny fingers caught in it–you know that really, it ought to be a solid knit. Also because (hopefully) it is going to be a favorite and loved and dragged all over the place in one hand with fingers in the mouth with the other.

On the other hand, this is going to be a Texas baby. Maybe the yarnovers aren’t such a bad idea.

My brain is having a hard time picking just one pattern. Actually, I am thinking of one, but it’s a right twist/left twist that will shrink the amount of coverage I could get out of those 1000 grams.

The mom wants gray. Anyone got any baby-boy favorites for a solid color blanket?

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