Site icon SpinDyeKnit

Euell come back now, y’hear?

The nine-month-old was batting a tiny hand at the back of the pew I was sitting on; I turned and smiled at him and played let’s touch fingers.

To my surprise, his dad asked, You want him?


He handed him over and that cheerful little baby boy was just fine with that. There were glasses to grab–a novelty to him. Hair, too. Thankfully, he didn’t see the hearing aids.

My kids were tall and thin even as babies but not this little guy. He was giving my arms a workout.

He was quick to smile a big grin with a randomness of teeth. We made friends. His mother passed over a favorite toy, and very soon we were playing pick up the toy. He hasn’t learned how to say Uh-oh yet but he is so looking forward to the day.

We were a few minutes in before I felt the inner ping ponging and realized that the teething toy was a rattle, too, which had not occurred to me. Oops. Sorry everybody. I don’t think it was a loud one because nobody turned to look, but then, what do I know?

Maybe I should start stashing a cloth Quiet Book in my purse on Sundays.

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